Hi Arch community, Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2009.08-1, "Schmollie" has been released. Changelog: GENERAL: - kernel usage - pacman 3.2.2 usage - RAM recommendations: * arch or arch64 boot image 256 MB RAM i686/x86_64 (all packages selected, with swap partition) * lowmem or lowmem64 boot image 96 MB RAM i686/x86_64 (all packages selected, with swap partition) FIXES: - use ftp mirror from installation, also if menu pacman mirror was not called. - fixed openvpn New Setup Features: - removed custom dsdt support - added dmraid support - new autodetection of advanced hooks like lvm2, raid, dmraid and encrypt - many cleanups in device seletion and detection, while creating complex devices Environment changes: - removed custom dsdt support - changed dmraid to 1.0.0.rc15 - changed to bash 4.0 - changed to new rpcbind and nfs-utils - removed portmap,madwifi, madwifi-utils and rt2500 - adopted initcpio default changes - updated pacman mirrorlist - added testdisk, photorec, wipe, ddrescue, clamav, w, who - booting to complex root devices can be done with advanced= parameter (to override the standard arch_mdadm, arch_lvm2 and arch_encrypt order of hooks!) eg. use root=/yourdevice advanced=arch_encrypt,arch_mdadm -> This will change to encrypt first, before creating raid device KNOWN ISSUES: - None ;) Hybrid image file is provided, which include i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it. Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image. - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities. - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities. This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives. - removed files from mirrors on 18th march 2010, please use a newer iso image. Further documentation can be found on-disk and on the wiki. Have fun! greetings tpowa